Muhannad, male, 25 years old, student

Palmyra, the Roman name, is usually referred to as Tadmor by Syrians, meaning 'date palms'. The name refers to the lush oasis near the town. The city was first documented in the early second millennium BC. Different empires ruled it, including the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD.

What dreams or ambitions did you have in the past?  And now?

In the past I had an ambition to become a schoolteacher to participate in preparing a Syrian generation that is aware and cultured. However, my ambition has grown now and I want to become a university professor and a professional tour guide.

How do you recognize that someone is Syrian?  Are there any common characteristics?

Definitely, Syrians are famous for their good treatment and nice welcome for guests or even for strangers. Syrians are collaborative people; they love others and defend them if they are their friends. They are characterized as being loyal and generous; they are well known for their sociability and openness toward other religions and sects.

Can you tell our readers about your daily life before the war and about your daily life now?

Before the war, I was younger and my goal was to be an outstanding student.  We lived comfortably. No one can deny that we enjoyed security and stability. I used to visit my hometown any day, and at any time. Now, I can’t do that at all. I have not been there for five years. All I can manage doing now is to go to university and spend good times with my friends.

What has united Syrians, and what can unite them again?

Syrians are united by their love for one home, one land and one country. It is their everlasting love for Syria.

Can you tell readers about something that has touched your heart and given you hope?

There is a new challenge that comes with every new day. Today is not like yesterday and that is why we always look for the future through the eyes of the new generations who are full of strength, tenderness, and strong will, which will give us more hope to move forward.


– Muhannad, male, 25 years old,
student in Master program in Cultural Heritage Resource Management at Tourism Faculty,
Damascus and Idlib University

From ‘Beloved Syria – Considering Syrian Perspectives’, September 2017 Edition

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