Mustafa Ali's Gallery, Damascus
Mustafa Ali Gallery, Old Damascus

Beloved Syria

‘Beloved Syria – Considering Syrian Perspectives’

Since 2016, Syrians and non-Syrians have contributed to ‘Beloved Syria – Considering Syrian Perspectives’.

What unites our contributors is their love for Syria.

In the first issue of ‘Beloved Syria’ for Spring 2016, we expressed a simple, but heart-felt prayer:

May Syria and its people survive the war united; may the Eid festivals, Christmas and Easter remain national public holidays and be celebrated with joy once more; may women retain their freedoms and equalities; may the children of Syria once more be able to venture into the streets of their towns or cities without fear; and may Syrians receive understanding and respect from the outside world.



Tragically, in 2023, because of the unilateral coercive sanctions imposed by certain countries on Syria, the situation for most Syrian families is dire.

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) empowered a ’Special Rapporteur’, Prof. Dr. Alena Douhan, to investigate the impact of sanctions on the basic human rights of people in Syria. Her  Preliminary Findings  were presented in November 2022.

Prof. Douhan ‘urged sanctioning States to lift unilateral sanctions against Syria, warning that they were ‘perpetuating and exacerbating the destruction and trauma suffered by the Syrian people since 2011’.

Our Role

Because of the ongoing suffering of the people of Syria, we believe the ‘Beloved Syria’ magazine has just as important a role as it did seven years ago – when its first issue was published. The words of Bryan Dawe remain as relevant today:

‘There is a great danger when presented daily with the tragic, incomprehensible events in Syria – the appalling destruction thrust upon the Syrian people and their culture – that we become anaesthetised to the suffering. This timely magazine reminds us all that Syria and her people are not just the crumpled buildings and desolation we see nightly on television, but an ancient culture demanding our respect and support through a very dark moment in its history. ‘ 

Bryan Dawe, comedian, satirist, actor, and writer

We continue to work to present the Syria we know and love.

Thank you for visiting ‘Beloved Syria’.

Editorial Team

March 2023



‘Beloved Syria’ – 2nd Issue

The launch for the second issue of ‘Beloved Syria’ was held on Sunday 19th November 2017 at Bargoonga Nganjin Fitzroy North Library. It was very well attended by Syrians and non-Syrians.

Julian Burnside AO QC, barrister, author, human rights and refugee advocate, launched the 2nd edition of the magazine. The launch was MC’ed by Leo Soltan Alhalabi, who was a contributor to the magazine.

If you would like a copy, please email us.

Thank you to all our contributors and supporters – you have made this second issue possible.

PO Box 47

Heidelberg, Vic 3084. Australia


For general information about the magazine, please go to the About page.

Julian Burnside and Leo Alhalabi at the ‘Beloved Syria’ launch

‘There is a great danger when presented daily with the tragic, incomprehensible events in Syria – the appalling destruction thrust upon the Syrian people and their culture – that we become anaesthetised to the suffering. This timely magazine reminds us all that Syria and her people are not just the crumpled buildings and desolation we see nightly on television, but an ancient culture demanding our respect and support through a very dark moment in its history. ‘ 

Bryan Dawe, comedian, satirist, actor, and writer

“This beautifully presented magazine and website exudes a sense of calm that’s so welcome. To hear Syrians’ own voices is a balm, bringing back their generosity, vivacity, and focus on humanity ahead of all other things. Their voices are a timely reminder that these conflicts grossly insult and demean us all.”

Dr Fiona E. Hill (PhD in Anthropology)

We are an Australian family who like most Australians are largely unaware of what is going on in Syria at the moment. I am trying to learn more but am increasingly confronted by the negative views and perceived “hopelessness”. It is very concerning and I believe if more people were educated about the people of Syria there would be more compassion. I want to congratulate you on producing something positive and humanising for the people of Syria and for Australians. I am sure you will make a difference. So “good on you!”  
From Mr Glenn Finlay in an email to the editors
It is Christmas Eve and I’m reading your magazine. You sent me two. Did you know that? Anyway i gave the other to my Syrian student. She was tickled. Her husband opened up about so many factors of why he came here. And she shared alot too. Tonight im reading it in the peace of the night. I am grateful for all i have and for my father for bringing me to this wonderful country. It was his resilliance and strength as a migrant ( Italian ) that brushed off on us and we are strong and caring individuals trying to leave a mark of goodwill in this world. Your mag has been a positive pill of endurance for me to take in and go forth into the New Year with no complaint but with hope of a better year ahead and a peaceful world. Grazie  
From Ms Emi Taylor in an email to the editors


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