Edward W. Said – A Community of Civilisations

… any attempt to force cultures and peoples into separate and distinct breeds or essences exposes not only the misrepresentations and falsifications that ensue, but also the way in...

Apamea – The Grand and the Tragic History of Syria

"Each civilized person in the world should admit that he has two home countries: the one he was born in, and Syria." – André Parrot, (1901 – 1980), archaeologist specializing...

Women of Syria – Not to be Ignored

Not to be Ignored Below is a transcript of an interview conducted at the end of 2010, when there was no thought of conflict in Syria, and the issues of...

Syria extends from desert landscapes to fertile plains.

Syria extends from desert landscapes to fertile plains. There are undulating hills with olive groves that stretch to the Mediterranean Sea. Under the night skies, the lights of villages...

Australians in Syria

On a crisp winter’s morning in December 2008, a group of university students from Melbourne began their tour of Syria with a visit to the Commonwealth War Cemetery in...

Nawar, male, aged 34, an engineer from Tartous

What makes you proud to be Syrian? I feel proud to be Syrian because I believe we have a special stable identity however much we shift from one place to...